Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Stroke is a disease danger

Causes & Danger stroke
A stroke happens when blood flow to a area of the brain is interrupted because a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or bursts open.

If blood flow is ceased for for a longer time than a couple of seconds, the brain are unable to get hold of blood and oxygen. Brain cells can die, causing permanent damage.

Presently there are usually 2 major styles of stroke: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.


Ischemic stroke occurs whenever a blood vessel that resources blood to the brain is obstructed by a blood clot. This may take place in two ways:

A clot may type in an artery that is already very narrow. This is known as a thrombus. If it totally blocks the artery, it is called a thrombotic stroke.
A clog may break off from someplace by the body processes and travel up to the brain to block a smaller artery. This is called an embolism. It causes an embolic stroke.

Ischemic strokes may result from clogged arteries, a common condition called atherosclerosis. (See: Stroke secondary to atherosclerosis) This may modify the arteries within the brain or even the arteries in the neck that carry blood to the brain. Fat, cholesterol, along with other substances collect on the wall of the arteries, forming a sticky compound called plaque. Over time, the plaque builds up. This often can make it hard for blood to flow accurately, which may cause the blood to clot.

Ischemic strokes may also be caused by blood clots that form inside heart. These clots travel through the blood and can have stuck in the small arteries from the brain. This is known as a cerebral embolism.
Certain drugs and health conditions can make your blood more likely to clot and lift your risk for ischemic stroke. A common cause of ischemic stroke in people under age 40 is carotid dissection, or a tear in the lining of the carotid artery. The tear lets blood flow between the layers of the carotid artery. This will cause constricting of the carotid artery that isn't due to plaque buildup.

Hemorrhagic stroke occurs whenever a blood vessel partially associated with the brain will become weak and breaks open, causing blood to leak into the brain. A lot of people have defects in the blood vessels of the brain that make this more likely. The flow of blood that occurs after the blood vessel ruptures damages or injuries brain cells.
For more information on this type of stroke, see: Hemorrhagic stroke


High blood pressure is the number one danger factor for strokes. The following also increase your risk for stroke:

Family history of stroke
Heart disease
High cholesterol
Increasing age

Certain medications make blood clots more likely, and for that reason your chances for the stroke. Birth control pills can improve the chances blood clots, especially in woman who smoke and who are older than 35.
Mankind has more strokes as compared to women. But, women have a risk of stroke during pregnancy and the weeks immediately after pregnancy.
The next can increase the chance of bleeding into the brain, which makes you almost certainly going to have a stroke:

Alcohol use
Bleeding disorders
Cocaine use
Head injury

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